Posts tagged compensation
Is it Too Late to Say Sorry? Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted in New Zealand
Cross-Examination: Long Overdue Apologies and Insufficient Remedies - the Case for Compensation for Gay Sex Convictions
Cross-Examinationejp_commsbisexual, compensation, concealment, expungement, gay, gay and bisexual men, gay rights, gay sex, homophobia, homosexuality and the criminal law, homosexuality and the law, lgbt, lgbt right, lgbtiqa rights, LGBTQIA, men who have sex with men, msm, persecution of homosexuality
Amicus Curiae: "I did my waiting. 12 years of it. In Azkaban!" - The Department of Corrections and the Prison Sentence Blunder
Amicus Curiaeejp_commscompensation, corrections, court, Department of Corrections, fail, government, jasper lau, Judith Collins, justice, limitation act, minister of corrections, miscarriage of justice, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, NZBORA, parole act, prison, Supreme Court