Equal Justice Project

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Manager Applications 2019

Want to be a part of running a charity which promotes social justice in our community?

EJP is run by 2 Co-Directors and an Executive of 8 Managers. Being a Manager is an incredible opportunity to lead a team made up of intelligent, committed and hardworking volunteers. It is an immensely rewarding experience and is a real lesson in leadership. As well as being able to shape your team’s policy, you’ll be involved in setting the broader goals of EJP in 2019. There are opportunities to work closely with prominent members of the legal profession and to access training and resources from top lawyers.Applications are due by Wednesday the 17th of October. We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions please contact the Directors at directors@equaljusticeproject.co.nz.

Positions available:

ACCESS Managers (1 position available) organise 2 symposia per year and oversee the writing of symposium papers. They also liaise with EJP’s existing contacts in schools to schedule presentations, and maintaining and update current presentations. The Access Managers are also responsible for fostering new community partnerships, and doing fundraising (book drives, clothes drives, bake sales etc.).COMMUNICATIONS Managers (1 position available) oversee the external outreach aspect of the Equal Justice Project. They are responsible for supporting other teams with content, overseeing EJP's online presence, developing promotional materials for EJP and running our blog which highlights topical debates and recent developments in the law and writing Bill submissions to Parliament on controversial legislation.COMMUNITY Managers (1 position available) coordinate volunteers for community law centres and other external groups so that EJP volunteers can assist with the heavy workload faced by these organisations. They are responsible for maintaining strong and positive relationships with these centres.PRO BONO Managers (1 position available) co-ordinate research support to practitioners, academics, interest organisations, and community groups who share the Equal Justice Project’s goals of promoting access to justice, equality, inclusivity, and respect for human dignity.

Recruitment Timeline:

Manager Applications open Monday the 8th of October, 2018.Manager Applications close Wednesday the 17th of October, 2018.Applicants will be notified whether or not their application has progressed to the interview stage on Monday 22nd October.***EXAMS***Interviews will be held after exams/Apply here.