Equal Justice Project

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Volunteer Applications 2017 (NOW CLOSED)

The Equal Justice Project is now recruiting for 2017! We are seeking enthusiastic, fun loving and committed volunteers with a passion for social justice and improving outcomes for those in the Auckland and wider community. Grades are not relevant to your application – whether you are after social or leadership opportunities, or legal experience, there is an EJP team suited to you.Volunteer applications will be open from 2pm 13th of March, and will close at 11:59pm on 21st March. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by 27th March. EJP will hold an Opening Function to welcome its new volunteers at 5pm on Friday 31st of March and a training Hui on Saturday 1st April. If selected, we strongly encourage you to attend these events.We are seeking volunteers for all four of our teams:

  • ACCESS: This team focuses on promoting awareness and discourse of legal issues among young people through outreach and education. This is done by organising symposiums that invite speakers to discuss these important legal issues. Access also visits and presents to various secondary schools around Auckland, with the aim of helping younger people understand their rights.
    • Volunteers can expect to commit 3-4 hours on average per week to the team.
    • Access is recruiting approximately 18 new volunteers this year.
  • COMMUNICATIONS: This team is responsible for writing articles about legal, political, and social justice issues and publishing them to our website with the goal of informing the wider community. The Communications team also conducts research for bill submissions to be sent to Parliament on a range of issues affecting our communities. Further, this team is responsible for EJP’s social media presence, and ensuring we are engaging with the legal community.
    • Weekly time commitment to this team varies.
    • Communications is recruiting 10-12 new volunteers this year.
  • COMMUNITY: This team supports the work of Community Law Centres by sending volunteers to work with them on an ongoing basis. Volunteers at the centres assist by interviewing clients, writing case files, drafting letters and providing the public with information and advice.
    • Volunteers can expect to commit 2 hours on average per week to the team.
    • Community is recruiting approximately 15 new volunteers this year.
  • PRO BONO:  This team offers free legal research and analytical assistance to practitioners and academics working on social justice based issues. The Pro Bono team is actively seeking both senior and junior level law students to foster a training environment and promote longevity within the team. Lack of experience will not bar you from becoming part of the team. We offer in-house legal research and skills based training in order to help you become better law students and researchers.
    • Weekly time commitment varies, but volunteers can expect to commit 2-5 hours on average per week to the team. Team members will need to commit to a fortnightly team meeting.
    • Pro Bono is recruiting 15-18 new volunteers this year.

You can find out more about the different teams by reading about them on our website, or contacting Jade and Ella at directors@equaljusticeproject.co.nzWe welcome your enthusiasm and encourage you to apply using the form below if you want to become a volunteer with us! The work we do is very rewarding, and this is an awesome opportunity to meet new people and challenge yourself. We look forward to receiving your applications.


After choosing which team you would like to apply for, please download the corresponding team's question document (below). Answer the questions in the document, and re-upload it with your answers using the form below.*Please note our website only accepts documents in pdf, doc, and docx form.ACCESS APPLICATIONCOMMUNICATIONS APPLICATIONCOMMUNITY APPLICATIONPRO BONO APPLICATIONIf you receive an error message please check you have filled out all answer boxes correctly (e.g. double check your email has been written correctly). If you are still having difficulties please contact comms@equaljusticeproject.co.nz.[contact-form-7 id="196955" title="ADLS Committee Applications"]