Returning Volunteers: Representing EJP on an ADLSi Committee in 2017


Are you interested in representing EJP on an ADLSi Committee in 2017?

If you plan on returning as an EJP volunteer in 2017, you are eligible to apply to sit on an ADLSi Committee next year.

About the EJP-ADLSi partnership

In 2015, we secured the opportunity for our volunteers to represent EJP on Auckland District Law Society Committees. Over the past two committee terms we have received great feedback from both volunteers & ADLSi members.

The commitment

The term of representation will run from February 2017 – February 2018, with some flexibility to account for exams or other commitments. Your role on the Committee will be to represent EJP, and specifically, to share a youth and social justice perspective. It is helpful to keep in mind that not only will you be representing EJP as an organisation, but you will be representing yourself as a future member of the profession.

Being involved with a Committee involves attending a monthly 1 hour meeting.  At these meetings you will be expected to conduct yourself with decorum at all times, and to actively contribute to the Committee’s discussions. You will also be expected to contribute to the Committee’s work by assisting practitioners with research tasks, writing articles, or drafting documents as the Committee sees fit. Overall, you can expect to dedicate 3-4 hours of your time to this role each month.

The advantages

Sitting on a Committee provides an invaluable opportunity to rub shoulders with practitioners and judges, and to gain hands-on work experience, and a practical understanding of the legal profession. As an official ADLSi Committee member, you will also be invited to the Law Society’s social events and CPD (Continuing Professional Development) seminars that will further enrich your experience and enable interaction with more members of the profession. Finally, contribution to the legal profession is a responsibility shared by lawyers at all stages of their legal careers, and we hope that this programme will instil in our volunteers a pro bono ethic that they will carry with them after Law School.

The application process

You will be required to submit an application. This application is required in order for ADLSi to determine if you are the right fit for the Committee of your choice. If successful, your application will be followed by an informal meeting with ADLSi staff in early 2017, after which you will be informed of the outcome of your application. The deadline for applications is Friday 23rd September.

Please email the following to

  1. Your name, current EJP team, and email address
  2. The Committee(s) of your choice
  3. Your CV and transcript
  4. A short statement explaining why you want to be on the Committee
  5. Any experience (academic, work-related or extracurricular) that is relevant to the Committee
  6. Whether you are able to dedicate 3 – 4 hours of your time each month to the Committee

(All information submitted will remain confidential and will only be shared with the ADLSi staff involved in selecting Committee members.)

EJP currently sits on the following committees:

  • Criminal Law
  • Family Law
  • Employment Law
  • Environment and Resource Management
  • Immigration and Refugee
  • Mental Health and Disability
  • Civil Litigation
  • Commercial Law
  • Technology and the Law
  • Property Law
  • Health and Safety Law

EJP may sit on the following committees in 2018. If you are interested in joining one of these committees, please indicate this, as well as a second choice from the list above.

  • Documents and Precedents
  • Continuing Professional Development

You can read about the work that each Committee does here:

We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions, please send an email to

Kind regards,

Rayhan and Jade
